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Dec 2, 2023
transmission repair

It’s one of the most important parts of your vehicle’s engine, but many drivers don’t understand what it does or how to maintain it. We’re talking about your vehicle’s transmission, which takes the power produced by your engine and directs it to your wheels. This intricate component is essential to your vehicle’s performance, and that’s why your Mitsubishi dealer is the best place for transmission repair.

Is Your Vehicle Due for Transmission Repair at Your Mitsubishi Dealer?

Puddles of Fluid Beneath Your Vehicle

Transmission fluid cools, cleans, and lubricates the inner parts of this component. Leaks can be a sign that there’s weakness in a seal or gasket and can rob your transmission of what it needs to function properly. Leaks are one of the top signs of transmission failure, so it you notice puddles of pink fluid beneath your vehicle, book an appointment to have your vehicle inspected.

Refusal To Switch Gears

If your vehicle struggles to change gears or refuses to switch gears altogether, that’s another strong sign that there is some problem with your transmission or that you have an inadequate amount of transmission fluid. When you put your vehicle into gear and there is a delay of a second or two before it starts to move, your vehicle is struggling to change gears.

Strange New Noises

If you hear a whining noise as the vehicle shifts gears, or grinding when the vehicle is straining, that could be a sign that your transmission is having issues. Weird noises that the vehicle makes when it is in neutral can be another audio signal of transmission trouble. Pay attention to any new smells as well. A burning smell can signal that your transmission is overheating.

Slipping Gears

Having your gears slip out of place while you are driving can be a scary experience because it suddenly feels as though you have no traction on the road. A delay in acceleration and difficulty shifting gears are also symptoms of slipping gears. Slipping gears is dangerous because it makes it difficult to control the vehicle. It’s also a sign of a possible transmission problem and should be reported immediately to the technicians who service your vehicle.

Check Engine Light

When the check engine light on your dashboard lights up, that could be a sign of a variety of mechanical issues, including transmission problems. Be sure to schedule service whenever this light comes on.

Responding quickly to any signs of transmission problems can save time and money down the road, while also keeping you and your vehicle safe. If your vehicle is due for transmission service, book an appointment with Thornhill Mitsubishi.